Household Cleaners

Household Cleaners

Save Money and Live Healthier!

When you walk down the cleaning products aisle in your local grocery store, do you smell the chemical aroma coming from all of the products on the shelf? Do you wonder if these products are safe to use around your family?

I just got done cleaning my house – top to bottom! I always feel accomplished after this task, knowing that I have “renewed” our home and I have done it without using any harsh chemicals. This is really important to me, because I want to provide a healthy and safe environment for my husband and two pre-teen girls. I don’t want to expose my family to anything that will harm them in any way!

So, household cleaners-what do you use? Do you know if the product is safe? Not just that the container has a nice, healthy “looking” label, but that the ingredients prove that it is safe. I’ve done extensive research over the years so I could be informed and make good decisions for my family. I have always been wary of anything that suggests that the user should wear gloves in order to use the product—why would it say that? How good could it possibly be if it could damage my skin? What about inhaling the vapors? Is it toxic?

Are you ready to skip that aisle and instead try something that you make yourself so you know what is in it, and that it is safe, and will save you a lot of money? Ready to make your home a place of safety and nourishment for your family?

A healthy body is key to a healthy mind. When we are ill, even if we are not yet aware of “dis-ease”, our mind tends to get preoccupied with the ailment. This can be anything from a common cold to something much more serious. When our immune system is depressed, we are unable to think clearly. The ingredients in many cleaning products can disrupt our immune systems!

This is why I formulate my own household cleaners for our home. I use baking soda for any scrubbing and scouring and an essential oil anti-bacterial spray. This leaves my home sparking and safe!

So take the challenge! Try baking soda for scrubbing (Also, I always cut my scrubbing sponges in half, not only to save money but, to use less of everything in general; the less we use as consumers, the healthier our planet will be!) and the following recipe for your homemade anti-bacterial spray. And when you are ready to toss out all of the cleaning products you will never use again, just make certain to sort them correctly for your local garbage service – you don’t want to have it all go into the landfill!

Sandy | Sky Herbs Co., LLC


  • Fill a 32-ounce spray bottle with water
  • Add 35 drops of liquid Grapefruit Seed Extract
  • Add 20 -30 drops of an anti-bacterial/anti-fungal Essential Oil, such as Tea Tree, Lavender, Cedar wood, Peppermint, Bergamot, Lemongrass, Oregano, or Thyme*.

Also, I always add a few drops of Orange Essential Oil to my spray for its outstanding cleaning abilities.

Shake well

Label your bottle and store in a convenient location. Or better yet, make up a few bottles so each area of your home as one (under the kitchen sink, bathroom sink, garage, etc. – it’s a real time saver!). I even use it to clean my car’s interior – seats, steering wheel, etc.!

*You can combine essential oils to make a scent that is pleasing, but try not to add more than three – so that would mean 10 drops of each.


You will find that a little Essential Oil goes a long way. Once you have purchased the varieties you like, they will last a very long time – saving you lots of money in the long run! Also, please keep your Essential Oils refrigerated.